Monday, July 30, 2007

Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007)

One of the greatest filmmakers who ever lived has passed away. The legendary Swedish director and writer Ingmar Berman inspired many modern filmmakers with his groundbreaking and artistic films. He gave the world some of the best films of all time, such as the contemplation of an old man on life in Wild Strawberries and the incredible exploration of the meaning of life and death in The Seventh Seal. These masterpieces shaped the modern film world and gave great directors like Martin Scorsese and Robert Altman the inspiration to create some of their greatest works. Altman's film 3 Women was directly shaped after Bergman's film Persona. His career spanned nearly seven decades and left a huge impact in the film world with his often experimental subject matter and being one of the most successful foreign film directors ever. Personally, Bergman was nominated for nine Academy Awards, and his films won numerous other Oscars and film festival awards. Ingmar Bergman will be greatly missed and remembered as a film legend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just rented Through a Glass Darkly.

Quite dark... but I haven't time to write yet, so a review will be forthcoming, just not immediate ...